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This is not a drill, people. Gold kitchen sinks are A Thing now and they are quite possibly my favourite home micro-trend ever. If I was living in a gaff that I owned rather than rented, I wouldn't be sitting here now writing this post because I'd be busy installing a blink (bling sink. OBVS) of my very own. Styled with marble accessories and pink peonies for maximum Pinterest points.

Apart from looking gorgeously warm and making the most unquestionably boring zone in the kitchen somewhere even the most washing-up shy of us (i.e. me) would want to spend time, I am also on board with gold sinks from a purely practical point of view. No more scrubbing tannin stains off your ceramic or stainless (lololol) steel sink when someone lobs in yet another effing teabag instead of just using the compost bin/tea bag caddy like you've asked them to do a hundred million times!

So yes. Beautiful, practical, potentially relationship-saving - what's not to love about gold kitchen sinks? I'm a fan. And because I'm determined to take you all down the plughole with me, here are some photos of them in action to give you the wants too.


Swoonworthy's new kitchen (hearteyes emoji)

elinjormhage on Instagram

drommekjokkenet on Instagram

and the photo that started it all, via einteriors.design on Instagram

Side note: Himself has just rubbernecked at my screen and accidentally said "oh my God, that's gorgeous!"  out loud. What a trendspotter. I'm so proud of him right now that I'd nearly forgive his teabag chucking ways.

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