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Feelin' Froggy + Inner Space

2 Lynnderellas in a row…what is the world coming to?? All kidding aside, I know there were some "issues" with Lynn in the past, and that was all crazy drama.  I guess it's only fair to give second chances once in a while, right?  Plus things have settled down a bit now and you can get the polishes a bit more easily on ebay.  I'm not a fan of the price tag but I have to give her kudos when they are due….homegirl can really make a gorgeous glitter bomb.  

I decided to try out my Cult Nails Feelin' Froggy as a undies for this mani.  Feelin' Froggy came out with the Fairy Tale Collection in the beginning of the summer months.  There were couple that caught my eye from this collection, but Feelin' Froggy was my number 1 choice!  Maria's description of it is, "a muted kelley green creme who's true beauty was revealed by the kiss of a bright green shimmer."  True.  FF is a gorgeous green with such a pretty green shimmer.  It's not overly bright so that it's banned to summer months.  I think FF would be a great staple for the Spring too!  FF went on wonderfully, smooth and self leveling in 2 coats.  

Lynnderella Inner Space is a multi-glitter bomb.  It's full of fun shapes, sizes and colors.  The predominant colors IMO are black and white.  Some of the other colors I see are electric blue, yellow, kelly green, red, pink, orange, fuschia and some silvery holo.  I see bars,  small hexs, medium hexs, large hexs, extra large hexs, squares, micro glitter.  The only thing missing is the signature shimmer.  But that's what Pentimento has and I will review it later.  I used 2 coats and as you can see on my nails, I got a plentiful amount of glitter in an array of what's offered in the bottle.  No fishing which is always a good thing with these glitter bombs.  

You can get Cult Nails Feelin' Froggy amongst other beautiful colors at the Cult online store.  You can get Lynn's through ebay.  I'd suggest only going to the source…Lynnderella-Lynnderella if you are going to purchase one (or many).   

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