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It's a new dawn, it's a new day

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I'm off tonight to a tenth anniversary party for two dear friends Joe and Russ. To help me get into the swing of things, how about a clutch of "newer" choons that have caught my ear of late?

First up "the biggie"... This was only released on Friday morning, and has already clocked up 35 million views on YouTube!

By way of complete contrast, let's cheer ourselves up after all that impassioned angst - with a trip to a Disco that happens to be Purple:

Look out, world - Queen Madge is back!

Speaking of stroppy divas - one wonders how the divine former Eunice Kathleen Waymon might have greeted this ramped-up version of one of her biggest hits?

Heavens! I only mentioned them the other day - and now Gandalf and Gollum Tears for Fears are back, with their first new music for twenty years:

Ms Petras is in an apocalyptic mood, it seems...

...while the Nervo girls are feeling "arty":

And finally...

...what happens when Princesses collide?! This:

As ever, dear reader, let me know what you think...

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