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The Astrological Sun Sign Aquarius The Water Carrier Of The Western Zodiac

Using the tropical zodiac system people born between January 20th and February 19th are known by their Sun Sign Aquarius the Water Carrier and are associated with the constellation Aquarius

The Element of the Aquarius sign is Air and the color of Aquarius is Turquoise. The star-stone of Aquarius is Turquoise and the astrological symbol for Aquarius represents waves of water. The Sun Sign opposite of Aquarius the Water Carrier is Leo the Lion and the metals of the Aquarius sign are brass and platinum. Aquarius is ruled by the Planet Saturn and is defined as a masculine-positive extroverted sign. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and the quality of Aquarians is fixed.

The traits and characteristics most commonly attributed to Aquarians are loyal friendship and honesty and they are also known for their inventive and intellectual abilities. Generally speaking the people of the Aquarius sun sign are often easygoing and humanitarian with a playful free spirited outlook. They are also energetic and trend setting with a progressive open minded attitude. The Aquarius people work well in a group and can be patient and tolerant. Aquarians can also be stubborn and rebellious with an unpredictable and undependable nature. They can also be self centered and overly judgmental with an aloof air about them as they consider themselves to be members of the elite. Aquarians appreciate friendship but can be jealous and narrow minded.

The following is a list of some famous celebrities of the Aquarius sun sign:

Evangeline Adams - February 8, 1868 - Astrologer and co-author of The General Principles of Astrology.

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin - January 20, 1930 - Astronaut, the second man to set foot on the Moon.

Corazon Aquino - January 25, 1933 - President of the Philippines from 1986 to 1992.

John Belushi - January 24, 1949 - Emmy Award-winning actor, comedian and musician.

Jack Benny - February 14, 1894 - December 26, 1974 - Legendary comedian.

Lewis Carroll - January 27, 1832 - January 14, 1898 - Author of Alice In Wonderland.

Alice Cooper - February 4, 1948 - Musician and shock rocker.

Charles Darwin - February 12, 1908 - April 19, 1882 - Author of On the Origin of Species and evolution.

James Dean - February 8, 1931 - September 30, 1955 - live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse.

Morgan Fairchild February 3, 1950 - Actress and soap opera star.

Bridget Fonda January 27, 1964 - Actress, Golden Globe and Emmy Award nominated.

Galileo Galilei - February 15, 1564 - January 8, 1642 - Scientist, mathematician and astronomer.

Matt Groening - February 15, 1954 - Cartoonist. Creator of The Simpsons and Futurama.

Paris Hilton - February 17, 1981 - Famous because she is Paris Hilton.

Michael Jordan - February 17, 1963 - Super star basketball player.

James Joyce - February 2, 1882 - January 13, 1941 - Author of the classic novel Ulysses.

Jennifer Jason Leigh - February 5, 1962- Award winning actress.

Charles Lindbergh - February 4, 1902 - August 26, 1974 - Lucky Lindy fist to fly solo across the Atlantic.

Paul Newman - January 26, 1925 - Talented actor and salad dressing chef.

Ernst Mach - February 18, 1838 - February 19, 1916 - Physicist, the speed of sound is named after him.

General Douglas MacArthur - January 26, 1880 - April 5, 1964 - I shall return.

John McEnroe - February 16, 1959 - Temperamental tennis player.

Yoko Ono - February 18, 1933 - Artist and Japanese Beatle, wife of John Lennon.

Jackson Pollock - January 28, 1912 - August 11, 1956 - Abstract painter with an unorthodox style.

Lisa Marie Presley - February 1, 1968 - Singer songwriter daughter of Elvis Presley.

Ronald Reagan - February 6, 1911 - June 5, 2004 - 40th President of the United States.

Burt Reynolds - February 11, 1936 - Film and television personality.

Admiral Hyman Rickover - August 24, 1898 - July 8, 1986 - Father of the Nuclear Navy.

John Travolta - February 18, 1954 - Actor and Scientology Dianetics buff.

Oprah Winfrey - January 29, 1954 - Host of The Oprah Winfrey Show.

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