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Gang steals shoes off woman's feet in Brooklyn attack - New York Post

Gang steals shoes off woman's feet in Brooklyn attack - New York Post

Gang steals shoes off woman's feet in Brooklyn attack - New York Post

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:00 PM PDT

A group of goons pounced on a woman in Brooklyn and beat her brutally before stealing the Air Jordan sneakers right off her feet — just days after a similar vicious robbery less than a mile away, police sources said Monday.

The 26-year-old woman was jumped by at least eight men near the intersection of Patchen Avenue and Bainbridge Street in Bedford-Stuyvesant around 4 a.m. Sunday, police and sources said

The gang — all in their late teens to 20s — stomped, punched and kicked her in the head and body, before robbing her of her purse, wallet and the pricey basketball shoes, cops said.

She was taken to Interfaith Medical Center with cuts and bruises before being brought to Brookdale and later released Monday.

The savage beating comes after a group of teenagers in nearby Crown Heights on Thursday pummeled and stomped on a 15-year-old girl before snatching the Air Jordans — which can go for from $100 to $200 — from her feet.

Eleven alleged attackers — all males between 14 and 17, except for one 14-year-old girl — have been charged in the horrific, caught-on-camera incident.

The Brooklyn District Attorney's Office had asked on Saturday for the teens to be held on $10,000 bail, but that request was denied.

At the scene of the most recent mob beatdown, near the New York City Housing Authority's Brevoort houses, on Monday, Borough President Eric Adams called for an end to the violence.

"We need to address this issue, these types of group assaults. This was a group of possibly ten young men, assaulting and robbing a young woman," Adams said. "These are real serious crimes."

"It's traumatizing, having a large number of people assault you in that way," he added. "It alters your life."

It's unclear if there is video footage of the attack. Adams said NYCHA had been slow to send video to the NYPD. The housing authority referred questions to cops.

Andre Burton, 32, who lives in the same NYCHA project as the victim, called the attack "outrageous and pathetic" and said it made him "sick."

"So this is a thing now — bunch of kids ganging up on a defenseless person like a pack of wolves and beating her senseless, just to steal her shoes? " Burton said.

"What a bunch of p- -s," he added. "I'd like to see one of them try doing it on his own and see how far he gets."

Darius Luckett, 38, also a resident of Brevoort, bashed the attackers as having "no care about the long-term damage they're doing to their victims"

"It's a shame their parents didn't raise them better."

He said "bad things happen in threes" and that he won't become the third attack.

"I'm keeping my Jordans under my bed until this thing blows over," he said.

Additional reporting by Jacob Henry and Reuven Fenton

Islamists pelt International Women’s Day marchers in Pakistan with stones, shoes - Fox News

Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:36 PM PDT

Islamists in Pakistan's capital Sunday hurled stones, shoes, and other objects at people participating in International Women's Day marches.

The event, joined by both men and women in Islamabad, was one of dozens held around the world to commemorate the cultural and political achievements of women.

Women and men carry signs as they take part in an Aurat March, or Women's March in Lahore, Pakistan March 8, 2020. REUTERS/Mohsin Raza - RC2QFF9VF0E2

Women and men carry signs as they take part in an Aurat March, or Women's March in Lahore, Pakistan March 8, 2020. REUTERS/Mohsin Raza - RC2QFF9VF0E2

The Red Mosque brigade, consisting of conservative elements and a Taliban-affiliated religious party, staged a counter protest across the marchers' venue, Reuters reported, citing District Deputy Commissioner Hamza Shafqaat.

Authorities held off the Islamists as they tried to attack the Women's Day marchers, police official Mazhar Niazi said.

Some allegedly threw stones, bricks, sticks, and shoes at the marchers. Niazi said no arrests were made, but a criminal case is pending for those who violated the law.

Rallies were held in other cities in Pakistan, despite petitions filed in court seeking to stop them. The opposition was stirred in part by controversy over the slogan, "My Body, My Choice," used in last year's march.


The rallies are notable in countries like Pakistan where women often do not feel safe in public places because of open harassment. Organizers of last year's event said they faced murder and rape threats, Reuters reported.


"You know, whatever they do, they can't scare us," Anam Rathore, one of the organizers, told Reuters. "Their scare tactics aren't going to work on us."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Wynford students collect money and shoes for those in need - crawfordcountynow.com

Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:00 AM PDT

BUCYRUS — Wynford Elementary students have raised more than $1,800 for The Shoes That Grow program after deciding this year's fundraiser will reach outside the community to help more people.

According to Wynford third-grade teacher Sally Ruth, the students and faculty made the decision to use kindness and their fundraising skills to reach out globally through this unique program.

"Well, many kids throughout the world do not have shoes, clean water to drink, or a school that they can attend. Some do not even receive medical care by a physician," Ruth said.

(Submitted photo)

She said the school participates in the Leader in Me program, which was created to teach students about leadership, foster a culture of student empowerment and align systems to drive results in their academics.

"Our Staff Lighthouse Team decided we wanted to do a global fundraiser this year and combine the efforts of all grade levels at the elementary school," Ruth said.

Each class is doing their own fundraisers to make money for the program that includes a goal of $2,000 in cash and 100 bags of gently used or new pairs of shoes.

"We are at $1,800 of our goal and have collected 36 bags of shoes so far," Ruth said.

(Submitted photo)

She said the shoes and money will be given to the Shoe That Grows Program. Donations are welcome and may be brought to the Wynford Elementary or High School buildings during normal school hours.

According to the Shoe That Grows website, more than 1.5 billion people suffer from soil-transmitted diseases worldwide. Without shoes, children are especially vulnerable to soil-transmitted diseases and parasites that can cause illness and even death. Children who get sick miss school, can't help their families and suffer needlessly. The Shoe That Grows was designed to be a longer-lasting solution for kids living in poverty. It expands five sizes and lasts for years, providing health, access to education and happiness. A $20 donation will send one pair of shoes.

Learn more at The Shoes That Grow website.

For more information, contact Sally Ruth at Wynford Elementary by calling 419-562-4619 or email her at ruth.sally@wynfordroyals.org,

"Adidas CodeChaos Primeblue Golf Shoes Giveaway" OFFICIAL SWEEPSTAKES RULES - GolfDigest.com

Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:13 AM PDT

"Adidas CodeChaos Primeblue Golf Shoes Giveaway" OFFICIAL SWEEPSTAKES RULES


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By entering this Promotion, entrants accept and agree to be bound by these Official Rules. Any violation of these rules may, at Sponsor's discretion, result in disqualification. All decisions of the judges regarding this Promotion are final and binding in all respects.

1.​PROMOTION PERIOD. Promotion begins 4:00 PM ET on Tuesday, March 10th and ends at 4:00 PM ET on Thursday, March 12th when all entries must be received.

2.​ELIGIBILITY. This Promotion is only open to legal residents of the 50 United States and District of Columbia who are at least 18 years old as of the date of entry, except officers, directors, members, and employees of the Sponsor, the judging organization (if applicable), or any other party associated with the development or administration of this Promotion, and the immediate family (i.e., parents, children, siblings, spouse), and persons residing in the same household, as such individuals. This Promotion is void outside the 50 United States and the District of Columbia, and where prohibited.

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PRIZE DESCRIPTION. There will be five (5) winners. The prize is one pair of Adidas CodeChaos Primeblue golf shoes. The approximate value is $150.

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