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Sample Bin Review - Murad Rapid Age Spot Pigment Lightening Serum

I mentioned once before that I have a bin full of samples that I have gotten over the last several months. I would get a new product, put it in the sample bin and then forget about it. About a month ago I said I would begin trying to use as many of the things as I can for 60 days.

I pulled a Murad Rapid Age Spot Pigment Lightening Serum out of my sample bin and began using it about 3 weeks ago. I have some areas on my face that have darkened because of hairs that keep sprouting. Yeah, I know, TMI but you know what we deal with ladies! The spots don't really bother me so I haven't spent a lot of time or money on trying to clear them up. I use some concealer on the areas and that's about it.

I opened the sample and did exactly what it told me to do. I coated my face with a thin layer of the serum each night after cleansing my skin. The serum was slightly sticky but felt nice going on my face. I did feel like there was a glossy film on my face for about 5 minutes and then I guess it absorbed to begin doing what it was supposed to do. There was a slight citrus smell that diminished after about a minute or two and it “stung” slightly around my nose and on my chin. It didn’t feel any worse than using chemical peel pads that I've used before.

I was hoping that the Murad serum would make some sort of difference in the spots. It’s “clinically proven to fade spots by 33% in just one week*”. Alas, it did not. It did not make one teny, tiny bit of difference. Not even on dark discoloration spots that were not caused by facial hair follicles. Nuthin. Not a thing.

I'm glad that I was able to test this product without having to purchase. A 1 oz tube was $60. I'd be very upset if I made that purchase and got the results that I got. Perhaps it works for other people. Do we really know someone that has tried it? Has it worked for someone you know?

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