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Geometric Pink & Rose Gold Nail Art

So a couple of weeks ago Models Own had a half price sale on all their polishes, so naturally I couldn't help but pick up a few. I have been loving seeing swatches of their new Colour Chrome polishes and as these were in the sale I had to get my hands on a few. My favourite is definitely the shade "Chrome Rose" (who doesn't love a bit of rose gold!?), it is so unlike any other shade I own, so I thought I would create a nail art look using this polish to share with you!

Geometric Pink & Rose Gold Nail Art

Rose Gold Nail Art

So as I mentioned I used the Models own Colour Chrome shade "Chrome Rose" and the bright pink shade is Models Own "Sophie's Pink".

Step 1: To begin I painted all my nails in the rose gold shade and left this to dry completely (one thing I was really impressed with about the Models Own Colour Chrome polishes is their extremely quick drying time!)

Step 2: Next taking some normal household tape, I cut thin triangle shaped pieces and placed them randomly over the nail.

Step 3: Taking the bright pink polish, I added a coat of this over each nail.

Step 4: I actually found this nail art to be more effective by leaving the polish to dry slightly before removing the tape, so that is the next step!

Step 5: Once all the tape is removed and everything is completely dry, take a top coat just to even out the nail and add a shine! 

And there you have your geometric pink and rose gold nail art!

Pink Nail Art

Nail Art

What do you think of this look? Have you created any nail art recently?

Happy Nail Art-ing! Sam x

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